Dear God….

Dear God


Dear God, Thank You for the implausible journey thus far…

 I was born and raised in Belle Glade, Florida. I lived in a four bedroom one bathroom apartment with nineteen other relatives at one point. Money definitely wasn’t in abundance needless to say. One of my most fond memories is when my grandmother and I were picking beans together. I was around 7 years old at the time. I really didn’t understand the connotation of that moment; however as I evoke on that event, I realized those beans were a means to a meal. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons why I appreciate everything that comes my way.  

There were plenty events that transpired over my childhood years that had a profound impact on my current progress in life. I truly believe God played a tremendous part in it. To grow up in an area that already have you counted out is rough on anyone.

Belle Glade is surrounded by its share of talented people; nonetheless, the opportunity to land that dream job is tough when there are so few opportunities. I have watched some of the people I grew up with become addicted to drugs, go the prison or worse yet die. The dilemma it has is when Drug dealers are recruiting young talent by false advertising (big fancy cars, plenty money, the latest fashion, etc.); it makes it tough to go the other route. I’m fortunate that I had great people in my corner. Along with God and their prayer, there’s no way I would have made the leap of faith to get out of Belle Glade. I love that I grew up there; I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m reminded, “Without the struggle, there can be no progress”.

As a young boy, I use to question God, Why me? I didn’t understand why I had to be born to a family who had very little money or why my mother and father wasn’t together or why my clothing weren’t of the latest fashion… The list could go on and on about why I didn’t have… However, I now know why… I have learned to take everything that happens to me as a positive. I can’t control everything that will happen to me, but I can surely control how I react to it. Life will always be a struggle if you want to grow… Thanks God!

There’s more to my story, which will come at a later date. Stay tuned…..

About balancej

I'm a humbled man on the mission to achieve as much of life's wisdom that I possibly can. I'm fascinated by the way we live our lives and the areas we place the most emphasis on as humans. I believe that in order to achieve life's greatest gifts, we have to balance our lives. This balance consists of spirituality, mental and physical health, relationships, career, and money in this order. Anytime these areas of life are out of place, we can expect more stress than we need. I hope you enjoy visiting my site as I share the current and future knowledge of attaining the wonderful balance of life.
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3 Responses to Dear God….

  1. Thanks for sharing your story! Looking forward to reading more!

  2. Paulette Hart says:

    I like this quote; “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” I often like to replace cannot remember, with ignore. I believe it is vital to an individual to know where they came from and to have a plan as to where they are going. It was instilled in me by my mom and dad and I now teach it to my own children.

    I have a child who is Autistic and the biggest lesson I have learned is that yesterday’s challenge shouldn’t hold you back, it should make you stronger. Yes, we can’t control what happens to us, but we can definitely control how we respond.

    • balancej says:

      You are a strong woman Paulette! We must continue to find the positive in everything we do. If we dwell too much on the negative, it will always weigh us down… Thanks for checking the blog!!!

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